
For many years, I had shortness of breath which caused pain and coldness in my chest. Roman Trachuk prayed for me and my body started cracking. I felt chills all throughout my body and my hands became really heavy. As I breathed, I felt like air began to  ow through my lungs freely again. I can now climb stairs and pray without tension and it's warm in my chest!


I was receiving unemployment and then a week ago I was told that my payments would stop and I had to reapply. During one of the morning sessions at KD2021, I let go of any doubt and put my trust in God that He is my Provider. I heard an amount that I needed to sow towards the ministry and I knew I didn’t have that kind of money but I trusted the Lord. That afternoon, I received a call from unemployment saying that they had a glitch and that I don’t need to reapply and I received payment that same day.


The Saturday before Kingdom Domain 2021 conference I fell and dislocated my right shoulder. I couldn’textend my arm, my mobility was limited, and I couldn’t apply pressure on it. I also had a bump on my shoulder. When I fell I began to declare healing and a fast recovery. On Monday, the  rst day of the conference, I was still experiencing pain, but I decided that I was going to worship anyways. At the endof the day, I noticed that the pain was gone, my mobility was restored, and the bump was gone also. My faith has truly increased, and God showed me that He is the God of the impossible.


I lived my life for several years being deceived. I tried to change and grow spiritually but it felt like I was always failing. I couldn’t pray and receive love from God. I began to believe another lie, that God has given up on me. The spirit behind these lies was the spirit of rejection. I received freedom from rejection during an individual prayer. Now I understand that my condition was dictated by the lies that I believed.


I used to not be able to worship God freely, especially in front of people. I was always aware ofeveryone around me and I would hold back my worship and adoration for God. Even if I felt like I neededto cry my eyes out, I’d hold it in. If I wanted to shout Jesus, I wouldn’t do it. During one of the servicesat KD 2021, Ben Fitzgerald said that some people need to shout JESUS! I knew that it was for me but Iwas too afraid to do it. The next day during worship I decided not to listen to that fear but instead Ishouted JESUS! It was so freeing and I began to lose the fear of being too loud for God. Also whenMarkus (the worship leader) released a word and mentioned that people are able to love and worshipGod the way that they want to, something shifted and clicked in my mind. I realized I can love on Godthe way I want to and it doesn’t matter what it looks like to others. I don’t need to do what everyoneelse is doing during worship, I’m allowed to cry while everyone else is dancing and vice versa. I havenever in my life been so free during worship. I didn’t pay attention to the people around me or what theywere doing, but I kept my focus on Jesus and simply worshipped Him. I did some crazy things that Iwould have never imagined doing. The freedom I received has impacted me greatly and now I honestlydo not care how I look like during worship. I’m free to worship Him how I want to!